Saturday, August 6, 2016

Saturday Rambles

Happy Saturday! I have been super busy all morning dealing with a layout situation. It looks like I'm going to have to contact google about it. Thank goodness for coffee! I would have cracked and chucked the laptop out the window lol. I took a little break to make Josh breakfast and do dishes. It feels nice getting stuff done in the morning.

I'm so surprised that people still follow me on here, although I'm sure it's because they forgot this was even a thing. To be honest, I had really bad depression. I would start something, get discouraged and then quit. I expected everything to fall into my lap in a heartbeat. Silly, girl! I'm happy to report that I am on happy pills. But I will get into more of that in a dedicated post.

For the last week, I have been searching and searching for work online and I can't find a thing! You either have to give money to make money (because that's not questionable or anything) or you have to go through so many hoops just to get a few bucks every month or so. I have looked into general transcribing, which looks very interesting. I have to work on my typing speed, they want you to type 60wpm and I'm only around 38wpm. So, that's not going to help until I fix that.

Josh and I both decided that putting Zoey in daycare would be pointless, seeing as how all of my paychecks would go to paying for said daycare. I've told him that I can get a third shift job if I need to, and he won't budge. That is why online work is best.

Seeing pictures like this makes all of my problems go away and lets me enjoy the fact that I have a beautiful loving family. These two are the funniest together, like they are the best of friends. This was the end of February this year, right before we got our house and right before I found out I was pregnant. Also, around the time we started getting closer to my side of the family. 

Now we try and see my family every couple months, we play games online with my dad and brothers. They are so supportive of everything we have done. We are all proud of Josh for all of the accomplishments he has made. He pushes through every day just to see us happy. And I try to pay him back by being the best I can be. 

Now I'm just rambling on lol. I will be putting up random posts daily until I get on a schedule. I have to get back to running in circles to get this problem fixed.

One more picture for you guys.

Friday, August 5, 2016

My Life In a Book

 My life revolves around this book! I know that sounds almost insane, but it has helped me so much. Not just as a young forgetful pregnant mom, but as a normal person. It is truly a life saver. You can call it a planner, agenda, stupid book I carry around everywhere even though it doesn't fit in my purse, but I call it my bullet journal.

What do I put in it?

Literally EVERYTHING, but I'll list it off for you.

  • Page 1
  • Index- rough guide to monthly updates, saved birthdays, I have a page just for weight tracking, I have weight goals people and I need a reminder of how far I've gone.
  • Terms and Symbols- I have written down "PAINT- adult time" in this section. Just to be more discreet when people look at it lol. They don't need to know when I have sex! I have also written down the bullet symbols I use. Symbols indicating: to do, done, do later, or important. You also use colors for this. I use colors to organize my daily routine. 
  • Emergency Information- This might be a little morbid, but it is something you always have to consider (especially with children).  Instead of waiting for information till you are transported to a hospital,  I wrote down all of my medical information. Blood type, allergies, emergency contacts, medications that are being taken, disorders, and any other medical issues that is important for the EMT and hospital to know right away. I also have that I am pregnant and my due date, no complications in the pregnancy, and information about my daughter. This might sound crazy, but better safe than sorry.
  • Pages 3-6
  • Weight tracker, birthdays, blog ideas, inspirational quotes- I put these in the beginning of the book so I don't have to go searching page after page. 
After all the important pages are done, I start with a monthly calendar. Just an overview of reminders, appts, anything you would put on a regular calendar (duh). 
Then, I start on the daily activity pages. I try and write down everything I do that day. 
  1. This is obviously an example
  2. I'm not an actual slave.. outside of the bedroom. bow chicka wow wow!
  • Food- I write down everything I eat and drink.
  • Meds- These titles are actually pretty accurate... When I take it, I mark it off.
  • Water- I drink bottled water, so each water drop is a bottles worth of water. PureLife!
  • Mood- My overall mood for the day, whether its good, bad, sad, irratating, or just an "eh".
  • Prenatal Week/Weight- How many weeks pregnant I am, and weight. To track it with pregnancy and for overall review.
  • Total Steps- I have a fitbit, so I keep track of my steps. It tells me how active or how lazy I was one that particular day.
  • Activity- Literally everything! Workout, house work, cooked, played with the spawn of Satan, I mean, my precious daughter.
  • Bathroom- Due to health issues, I have to track my bathroom stops...yeah.. (where is that emoji when you need it). No, I don't go that much a day, it's just an example, I swear.
  • Cigs- Don't judge me. It is for quitting, and it has worked very well. I went from smoking a pack a day to 5 cigerettes a day. In like a month. It feels like a game almost. The less tally marks, the better.
  • Tomorrow's plans- Usually what I want to do, need to do, chores, dinner ideas.. whatever you want to write down for the next day.
  • Notes- Quick little thoughts, reminders, its up to you what you put in it. I usually write down baby names, work ideas, appt. If it needs to also go on another page, I'll transfer the information that night, so it looks nice and neat.
I use important paperwork as a bookmark. Right now I have a couple blood work orders folded up and marking today's page. 

You don't need to neat or artistic to do this. I have seen some great ones on Pinterest that look way better than mine, and have some cool page ideas. I want to make a page for my bucket list. 

I'm Back!!

3 years of zero activity? What the hell guys? Where have you been? I've missed you!

You've missed ALOT! Unless you're family, then I guess you haven't.. Zoey's a toddler! A stinky one at that. We bought a house, Josh has a great job.. Oh and I'm pregnant! With a boy. He's due in November! A turkey baby! I have been working on my health for the last year, and recently working on making some extra money. Just to make the family feel a little more comfortable financially.

This is just a short little post for you guys :) I'm going to start posting! Now that we have a working laptop. My dad has my desktop computer, so I can't do anything fancy, but I will post a few times a week.