Friday, September 2, 2016

Disney Princess Lettering

Elsa and a snowflake, Aurora and a rose
Tiana and the "Wishing Star", Belle and books.

(Oh my gosh, I just watched a commercial for CarMax! I couldn't not stop laughing, "...because people don't like that")

Zoey's bedroom is themed around princesses and Disney princesses. I want to get her all the stuffs!!...but obviously, that costs money. What could I do to make her room the way I want it?! You make it of course! I got the letters before Zoey was even born, I painted them pink and brown (nursery colors), but it looked like

I had a lot of fun with this project. Between painting, drawing, and a couple comical moments. In the end, it looks super cute.

So, that being said; let me tell you my process.

I got the lettering at Hobby Lobby. They are wooden and have a hole in the back to hang on nails.
Original look
They start out as white, so it is easy to get the perfect color shade you want.

1. Painting Letters

  • I used some acrylic paint that I already had laying around. 
  • I did have to mix colors, but mixing colors isn't that hard. Just mix a little at a time until you get the color you want. 
  • I chose blue, pink, green, and yellow/gold
  • I didn't even bother painting the back. No one is going to see the back, so why waste the paint

Painting it gold

2. Drawing the Princesses

  • I drew them on a separate piece of paper. I didn't want to take the risk of messing up and ruining the whole letter. 
  • I stayed with the traditional colors, but you can venture outside the box and make it your own.
  • Not only did I draw the princesses, but I also drew an item that is associated with them.
  • Once I drew and colored everything, I glued them onto the lettering. I kind of regret using super glue, because it discolored the pictures, but that was really the only thing that I had to use. I could have used a glue stick, but that never sticks for long. 

3. Shaping

  • I tried two ways of doing this.
  • I lined up where I wanted the princess to be, carefully turned it over (you could tape it down as well) and outlined where I was going to cut the excess paper.
  • Then I glued the paper on first where I wanted it then cut it along the edge of the letter.
  • Both were about the same difficulty. Even though I outlined it, I still had to trim in when i glued it on.
Bahaha! Did that really
NO! I glued the paper upside

I did something a little extra and stamped the first letter of every princess at the top just for poops and giggles.   

It is so cute! Zoey loves them so much! 

Have fun making them everyone! Bring out your inner child!

For more DIY, click here.

Yes, Aurora is upside down. 

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