Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sculpting My Blog On My Own!

Sculpting My Blog!

Welcome back!

Today, I am going to explain how I want to build my blog and the reasons behind it. 

As you know, I have a blog through blogger; a blog that is free. I'm not going to walk around the obvious, people who usually have a free blog, aren't looking to make it their career. As for me, I want to do just that and help support my family. 

It all started when my fiance, Josh, wanted to get a second job. It was only a couple months ago, but it hit me hard. It brought on anxiety like I never imagined. Because, why does he have to get a second job, when I am here... doing nothing. I mean, I'm not really doing nothing. I am the cook, maid, and caretaker. But, shouldn't I be the one doing more? I can't get a job outside of my home. I have a house, toddler, and soon enough a baby to take care of. 

From the beginning, we knew this was going to be my role (it has nothing to do with superiority or the fact that I am the woman). I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. While my mom went to work all day, everyday; I had friends who had moms that stayed home. I would have loved coming home to my mom after school. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful that I had such a strong hardworking mom. I feel like I need to step in and help, before Josh runs himself into the ground. I understand why I can't go out and get a job. Daycare is outrageous and my whole paycheck who go to daycare. Why get a job, just to pay for daycare? That's not helping financially.

So, if I can't go out and get a job.. why not stay in and get a job. I know, there aren't many stay at home jobs that start you off at minimum wage (unless you have a certain level of education under your belt). 

I know it is very slow going, but I know if I work hard and treat this blog like a job.. a career.. It will become one. My hard work will pay off in the end.

But, why don't I just get my own website and domain? My success rate could go a lot faster. 

Because, I'm not going to ask Josh for the money. I want to do everything on my own. He is already helping me with my business (that is at a stand still, because I need my desk and computer set up first). That is for another post, at a later time. 

Instead of starting out with a paid website and paid ads of my blog, I'm going to start at the very bottom and work my way up. No matter how long it takes. I am not going to be seen as a failure and drop yet another project. 

How on earth am I going to make money blogging? 

Advertisement. I'm not going to lie. I know reviewing products and putting ads on your blog is kind of viewed as fake. "If someone reviews something, they're fake. They probably don't even like the product". Yes, there are some that do it for just the money and don't consider how it will effect their viewers. Those people are fake. If I don't like the product, I'm either not going to review it or I will be straight forward and tell you everything I don't like about it. Advertising products for businesses is what gets you paid.

Look at NASCAR drivers. They don't have all those companies on their car for poops and giggles. They are being paid to have it on their car. They would still be paid a hefty amount even without those companies, though.

Once I start bringing in a little bit of money, then I will buy my own domain and buy ads. 

I didn't make a blog just to make money though. It is a great way for me to cope with my depression and a great way to stay in touch with the world. Being isolated inside everyday with no friends, effected me more then I let on. I don't know how to be sociable anymore, I don't know how to talk to people. Building friendships with other bloggers and with my readers is going to help me open up and improve my writing skills and content. 

 To sum up this post in one sentence....I want to build my blog, with my own earned money. 

I don't think I should be ashamed for wanting to make money this way. It works for my family, with no stress.

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