Friday, September 16, 2016

Who Has It Worse?

Holy contractions, Batman! Last night was painful! I know, I know... "Geez, Morgan! Why are you always complaining?" I'll tell you why; because pregnancy sucks. I love that I'll have my little man in a couple months, but damn. Growing a baby is a life journey. Not for the weak! Not suitable for men!

 Josh tried to tell me getting hit in the "manhood" was more painful than labor. There is no such thing as "del" (unit of pain). People experience pain differently. Example, a cut from a sharp branch could be more painful to someone than the next.  But you need to think of logic! Getting kicked lasts, what, a couple minutes? Labor on average lasts about 14 hours, but it can be longer! As bad as 48 hours! The pushing process can last hours!

 You can't even argue the fact that men's balls are internal organs "my internal organs are getting hit". What do you think has been happening for months? Babies don't just kick against the belly, they kick up into the organs, down into the bladder and more sensitive nerves, even the spine. Just comparing it to labor though. The stomach is contracting, trying to push a watermelon out of a narrow canal (pushing hips apart) and out of a small hole! After contracting for hours, a woman's abdomen is going to be sore and weak. When it is time to start pushing, a woman's body starts going into shock. So, if you have given birth or have witnessed birth, the woman is most likely shaking afterwards. That is the body in shock. 

Any who! I think if you compare a minute of labor and a minute of ball smashing, ball smashing would be much more painful. If you compare both in a 2 minute:14 hour ratio, no way in hell is getting kicked in the balls more painful than labor. Maybe if a man got kicked every half an hour for 14 hours. 

Back to my horrible night. They were worse than braxton hicks contractions, but not as bad as labor contractions. Thankfully, my breathing was fairly normal. No hospital trips just yet. 

I'm starting to freak myself out. We have very little for Connor. We have all the furniture, except a swing. We need to get a car seat, clothes, diapers, receiving blankets... I need to make a birth plan, find out information about my moderate dysplasia (procedure they are wanting to do), where Zoey is going while Josh and I are in the hospital. BLAH!! Anyone want to help me, lol. I don't blame Josh for not really being involved in the whole process. He has surgery coming up, trying to figure out how we are going to get by comfortably, not paycheck to paycheck, house stuff that I can't really do (like pulling up bushes from the ground, lol). 

Well, I told Zoey I would be done by 10 o'clock and my breathing is starting to get harder. 

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