Thursday, May 4, 2017

ABC Parenting

A. " banana"....."I WANTED AN APPLE!"
B. bedtime means wine time
C. cut the crust or your child will become a screaming banshee 
D. diaper changing is a skill not a job
E. eating is SO messy
F. fries are the most important on the food pyramid 
G. get ready for sleepless nights
H. helping; flinging all the folded clothes around the room
I. imagination like you've never seen before
J. just go with it
K. kid shows have so many sexual innuendos 
L. lying to your kids isn't necessarily a bad thing 
M. more kids= less housework for you
N. napping is heaven
O. over-nighters can end up being, "3am calling someone's parent"
P. poop becomes a daily discussion 
Q. quiet time must mean screaming at the top of your lungs
R. reasoning with a child is like arriving on time. not happening
S. silence is not a good, it's suspicious 
T. timeouts don't always work
U. using certain words cautiously, like candy or grandma/grandpa 
V. very fast runners! get your running shoes on
W. worth every minute
X. XO whenever you want
Y. you will never feel more love
Z. Zealous- Someone who spends a lot of time or energy in supporting and believing in something or someone

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